Body Language Signs That Mean He’s Into You ..

creative-man-and-woman-silhouettes-vector-set.jpgLike women, men don’t always say exactly what they’re feeling precisely when they feel it. But guys don’t have to say much to show you what they’re thinking.

That’s because unconscious body language signals can be extremely telling, says Patti Wood, a body language expert with more than 30 years of experience and author of Success Signals, A Guide to Reading Body Language – Taken from COSMO

 His pupils are huge. Either you’re in a super-dark place, or this subtle signal means he’s into you. “Dilation is a brain response that occurs when you like and are attracted to something,” Wood says.

His eyebrows are raised. People tend to use this subconscious expression to help open their eyes when they like what they see. If he raises his brows ever so slightly while you’re talking, it means he’s interested in whatever you’re saying. Continue reading “Body Language Signs That Mean He’s Into You ..”

Chorizo & Pepper Jelly Breakfast Sandwich

I can confidently say i could and would eat breakfast for, well breakfast, lunch and dinner! This sandwich is total perfection especially using Hamilton’s Smoke House Chorizo!!!!! chorizo-pepper-jelly-grilled-cheese-4.jpg
I mean, there’s melted cheese happening here! The toasty buttered bread and melted cheese combo is pretty much perfection on its own, but sometimes you just have to go all in and make a monster of a sandwich and call it breakfast. This sandwich is a weekend brunch dream. It’s filled with spicy chorizo, gooey White Cheddar Cheese Slices. There’s arugula in there for some peppery freshness and a slather of pepper jelly that just hits all those flavor buttons, in a big way. Then, because we can and because it is technically a breakfast sandwich, we top it with a fried egg. I know it’s controversial, but I like mine with a crispy egg skirt and a runny middle, but anyway you wannna fry your egg is a-okay. As long as the middle of the sandwich contains loads of gooey, melted cheese, we’re good.

6 Ways to Wear a White T-Shirt

Ask any it girl their favorite wardrobe staple, and at least half will say a really good white t-shirt. Whether you prefer your go-to tee to be from Fruit of the Loom or Vince, Ideas-to-wear-Jacket-Outfits-91this a tee you can wear effortlessly hundreds of ways. The versatility of a good white t-shirt can take you from look to look and outfit to outfit. Here are my 6 favorite ways to wear this endlessly chic and simple piece.

Whit Tee + Denim – Just like peanut butter and jelly, this classic combo will never get old. Whether you pair them with skinny jeans or vintage Levi’s, this look is sure to get compliments from all types of fashionistas.

White Tee + Leather -Leather can be tough to wear- specially here in Jamaica. Pairing bold leather jackets, pants, or skirts with a simple white t-shirt really downplay the look and give it a wearable feel. A white t-shirt breaks down the tough and bold fabric, giving the type of contrast fit for the runway. Continue reading “6 Ways to Wear a White T-Shirt”

Why Rose Water is LIFE ..

What i use.

Rose water is a faithful and trustworthy friend. Unlike others, it’s remarkable versatility will always meet your daily beauty needs and satisfy you like no other. Ultimately, it’s reliability makes it the quintessential best friend that you need to add to your beauty squad.

What is Rose water

Created by distilling rose petals with steam, rosewater is a natural potion that has been used for centuries.  Reported to be used by Ancient Egypt Queen Cleopatra, rosewater has become a staple in many Eastern and Asian households. Traditionally, this ancient potion was used in meditation, prayers, and scattered at weddings as a symbol of love and purity. However currently, folks can find rose water in various facial sprays, toners, moisturizers, makeup removers, and masks.

Benefits Of Rose Water: Skin

Rose water is a natural facial alternative that not only provides a pleasant floral rosewater_1442552278fragrance but will provide immediate relief and deep hydration for all skin types. It’s anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-oxidants properties are filled with various vitamins that will help revitalize your skin.

Rose water’s anti-inflammatory properties is known to sooth sensitive and irritated skin. It can reduce redness, control blotchiness, diminish itchiness, and sooth burns associated to acne, dermatitis, eczema, and sunburns. rose water’s anti-inflammatory abilities are also known to balance and cleanse oily skin and pores. rose water is a proven effective skin toner and cleanser that has the ability to help control excess facial oil, maintain the skin’s pH levels, and remove dirt accumulated in clogged pores. Protip: rose water can be mixed with a few drops of coconut oil and used as a natural makeup remover.  Continue reading “Why Rose Water is LIFE ..”

WTF Are Serums

Is it oil? Does it replace a moisturizer? What benefits will I reap from using it? Ah, yes we are talking about face serums this week. Serums come in all shapes and sizes and can 18847034304_a429616f27_o.pngtarget basically any skin ailments that you may be facing. A serum is an active face treatment of a high concentration of whatever its delivering (vitamin C, antioxidants, magnesium, the list goes on). It is thought to be a more light weight moisturizer than your typical lotion based, and penetrates the skin deeper because it is made out of smaller molecules than your average moisturizer. The result? Potent results. Serums moisturize and leave you with a godessly glow. That being said, serum is not a moisturizer replacement (although they will leave your skin very smooth) and depending on what kind you’re using it will benefit you differently. Play around until you find a brand that works for you!

99 Ideas

Everyone knows I’m a sucker for a cute note book or journal (junkie)! I met up with my girl for a late lunch yesterday, she got me the cutest journal on her summer euro trip.  99_ideas_book_time_is_now_white_gold_04_angleUse this gorgeous 99 Ideas Book to let your imagination run wild and capture inspiration and ideas, recognise the experiences you want to have, the things you want to do, and the people you want to meet in life. Includes prompts to inspire your dreams and achieve your goals. Discover how to get the most out of your journal here.

BYCHARI – Takes Kingston

20170318_wilcohen_chari-60-edit-e1504886111101.jpgLong time friend and Jewlery designer, Chari Cuthbert is a Jamaican born beauty making her mark in the industry . Inspired by beautiful island living, BYCHARI the handcrafted line is an extension of her signature “dainty-edge” style and reflects her mission to create modern, delicate, and versatile pieces that layer, stack, mix, and match effortlessly.

A lot of the pieces are handcrafted with quality sterling silver and gold-filled metal, complimented by color and texture from precious and semi precious stones. Last night was rather difficult for me, why you ask ? Well Chari had her very first trunk show here in Jamaica. Let’s just say i wanted everything, i ended up with a ‘Jamaica’ necklace and a cold cuff – LOVE THEM both ! check out