Why Brunch is a GREAT way to catch up with Friends!

IMG_9631It’s safe to say we lead such busy lives; jam packed with work, children and other responsibilities. It’s understandable, then, that we often neglect our friendships. But we should set aside time to get together to talk, laugh and reminisce with our friends. So, pick a day and time for brunch at a local restaurant and make it happen. You’ll be happy you did and, by the end of the meal, you’ll all be checking your calendars for a day and time to meet up again.

20 Things Every Man Should Have.

Beyond the basics of food, water, toilet paper and shelter, what does a man really need? Clothing, to be sure. An income is nice. A comfortable place to sit and rest.

IMG_6426While many items seen as classically manly — the cigars, the axe, the fast car — may be enjoyable, they are hardly necessities. What a man really needs are things that will improve his quality of life; things that make tasks easier to tackle, that bring genuine joy, and that are made well enough to last for years.

  • A Great Watch – Every man should own at least one good watch. You don’t need a $5,000 Rolex, but you should probably spend at least $500 or so on your finest chronometer. At that price point, you are assured of a watch that will work well for years and you can find dozens of watchmakers producing gorgeous timepieces in that range. As for the size of the face, the type of band, the function, the features, and so on, pick a watch that suits your style, but don’t go cheap; you’ll have a great watch until the end of — wait for it — time.


  • A Well Made Blazer – Even if you wear a formal jacket all of once or twice a year, you should have a fine dress coat at the ready so you can always look your best. A great blazer can dress up a pair of nice jeans and blend seamlessly with fine slacks. You can wear blazers with ties, tees, and anything in between. You could easily spend a couple of thousand dollars on a lifetime purchase or you can get away with spending a couple hundred.
  • Continue reading “20 Things Every Man Should Have.”

7 Things All Happy Women Do

1. Happy Women Love Themselves First

While you can definitely love someone else without loving yourself, you deserve just as img_9672.jpg
much love as you give. As famously said in The Fault in Our Stars, “we accept the love we think we deserve.”

There are a few ways you can make yourself feel deserving of self-love. Create a physical list of reasons you should love yourself, and add to it every day. Remind yourself of the items on this list, and they just might feel true!

If you struggle with self-compassion, invest in good books on loving yourself, or listen to podcasts, watch TED Talks or YouTube videos. It’s worth the time!

2. Happy Women Do Not Let Their Mistakes Consume Them

There’s a difference between shame and guilt. Guilt is the feeling that your actions were wrong, but shame is believing that you are wrong as a person because of your mistakes.

Our mistakes do not define us, so long as we admit that they were mistakes and learn from them. We will never be perfect, so it’s not practical to strive for it. For those still striving to be perfect, let Brene Brown become your new best friend. She’s the goddess of self-help and self-compassion.

3. Happy Women Don’t Live by Others’ Expectations

Continue reading “7 Things All Happy Women Do”

Happy Internationals Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day is cheerfully and extravagantly celebrated all over the world IMG_9419venerating the remarkable contributions and achievements of women who have shined in their respective domains. It is not necessary that these women have to be the CEOs or owners of multinational companies; they can be ordinary women making little or big contributions in their own way to the society.This day holds tremendous significance in today’s times making it counted among the other special days celebrated with great fervor across the globe. It is a time to express your love, respect, care, and appreciation towards charming women in your lives and society. The extending of celebrations of Women’s Day in schools and colleges helps in imbibing respect for women the mind of the coming generations from their very childhood.

Women empowerment has acquired great attention across the globe today. Making this world a place without any gender parities is every social organization’s motive. A society where women are taken for granted and given equal respect is every nation’s dream. With education spreading its wings in every nook and cranny of the country, the realization of this dream can be seen as fulfilled. The society is changing with the voicing of social enigmas like human trafficking, child labor, early marriage, domestic violence, etc. by female social workers who have stood up for their fellow women folks. Today, women have acquainted themselves to their abilities and strengths, and are ready to venture out to make their contributions to their homes as well as the society. The spectacular work that they are doing is making their rivals bow down on their knees. Though, all this was seen as impossible to us, but as some genius remarkably said that time can change anything.

Speaking of women personalities like Mother Teresa, Sindhutai Sapkal, Kiran Bedi, or our very own mothers fill our hearts with immense pride that we have such ladies to inspire us in every walk of life. A woman is a life-giver, an epitome of motherly love, and a true survivor, who never leaves any chance of surrendering to the roles she plays in other people’s lives.

This International Women’s Day, express your profound gratitude and appreciation to all the fabulous women in your lives while keeping them motivated to achieve something worthy in their lives. Also, let us all promise to remove the blindfold from our eyes and raise our voices against the monstrosities inflicted on women.
Thank You!!!



My Beautiful Mommy Xo

IMG_6879Today we remember my Beautiful Mommy, who became our Beautiful Angel Three years ago today. I love you an think about you every single day! I often wonder if you can see us and hear us. I often wonder if you are proud of you and if you are aware of our accomplishments. I often wonder if you truly know that you took a chunk of my heart with you ? I often wonder if you know just how much i love you …. I love you Mommy! I miss your your smile – i miss your hugs and i miss your voice!


Home Body – Whats on my coffee Table!

Ok soo how lucky am i !? I was ALSO gifted by another angel friend of mine Homebody, by Joanna Gins. Homebody is a Guide To Creating Spaces You Never Want to Leave, Joanna  walks us through how to create a home that reflects the personalities and stories of the people who live there. This comprehensive guide will help you assess your priorities and home body .jpgyour instincts, as well as your likes and dislikes, with practical steps for navigating and embracing your authentic design style.

Room by room, Homebody gives you an in-depth look at how these styles are iterated as well as how to blend the genres you’re drawn to in order to create spaces that look and feel distinctly yours.

In each chapter are practical takeaways to help problem solve potential pain points in your home. A fold out design guidebook at the back of the book offers a place for you to take notes and sketch out your own design plans as you make your way through the rooms.

Thanks Bre Xo


Magnolia Table – Whats in my Kitchen!

magnolia-table.jpgMy Bestie gifted me the Magnolia Table Cook Book this Christmas. NOW i may not live in the kitchen but if you know me, you know i LOVE a good cook book! It’s honestly such a beautiful book with Joanna Gaines’ warmth and passion for all things family, prepared and served straight from the heart of her home. The are recipes inspired by dozens of her family favorites and classic comfort selections from the couple’s new Waco restaurant, Magnolia Table.

Joanna believes there’s no better way to celebrate family and friendship than through the art of togetherness, celebrating tradition, and sharing a great meal (i couldn’t agree more). Magnolia Table includes 125 classic recipes—from breakfast, lunch, and dinner to small plates, snacks, and desserts—presenting a modern selection of American classics and personal family favorites. Complemented by her love for her garden, these dishes also incorporate homegrown, seasonal produce at the peak of its flavor.

Thanks Linnie Xo

Optical Smart’s Four-Eyed Spexy Diva

IMG_6951.JPGLong behind us are the days of “four eye” teasing…glasses are functional, sexy and can add a great deal to an outfit or even act as a personal expression. You may be surprised by just how much can be said with a simple pair of glasses.

So, how do you find the perfect pair of stylish glasses for those who want to add a bit of flair to their everyday apparel? You start by seeing eyewear not only as a necessity, but as an accessory.

1. Frame Style – Needless to mention, reading glasses have now become an important fashion accessory. To get a young and fashionable look, wear stylish and trendy eyeglass frames. Choose frame styles that enhance your look and complement your face. The classic frame designs have already become outdated over time; thus, keep changing your eyeglass frames as fashion trends are constantly changing.

2. Frame Size – Choosing the right size of your eyewear frames is also quite important. Please note, you should choose a frame size that complements your facial structure and features. Nowadays, larger, bolder, and brighter frames have become a popular fashion trend as they tend to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes and make you look younger (and hide the under eye bags!).

3. Frame Shape – The right frame shape can actually make you look more youthful! While choosing the frame shape, ensure that it suits your face shape. For example, upswept frames visually lift your face and help you look younger. Continue reading “Optical Smart’s Four-Eyed Spexy Diva”

4 Easy steps to Clarity!

fa0aa985-fa47-421f-b961-c5f9f54f0317Feeling overwhelmed? Sometimes, it’s easy to get a little in over our heads. Other times, we could all use a breath of fresh air. Finding ways to add a much needed break can be challenging, but not impossible!
Here are 4 things I do to add clarity to my life.

.1 Social Media Break – In this day and age where social media reigns supreme, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest apps and gadgets. Even though these fancy schmancy technological tools are great to use when catching up with family and friends, it’s crucial to be mindful of the time you spend on it and away from it. I get what it’s like to be swept up in the hype of what everyone is “posting” about. But, life on the internet doesn’t always mirror reality. As Billy would say, “take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while.”

.2 Exercise –  No, this does not mean you should start training for a marathon. But hey, if you want to, by all means! For those less ambitious, a couple minutes on an elliptical or a walk outside will get your endorphins going. The happy vibes might even help you take your mind off your problems for a while. I think taking a hike at a local state park is a great way to see some nature and free your mind of any burdens you may have. Plus, the scenic view might even help you put your troubles into perspective!

.3 Spend some time with your family – Nothing clears your worries better than hanging out with the people who know you best! My loved ones always seem to point me in the right direction. Perhaps it’s because they know me better than I know myself. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I like to go to my parent’s house to decompress. It’s the one place I know I can be 100% myself.  A home-cooked meal and quality family time? Yes, please!

4. Meditate – Take a few minutes out of your day to find your zen! Relieve your body and brain from all the mental, physical, and emotional stress it may be undergoing. Turn your phone off. Get in tune with your breath. Think positive thoughts. It’s time to say “Namaste.”

Hopefully you found these tips helpful! Because we often get so worked up in our lives, it’s important to remember that we CAN and SHOULD press the reset button every now and then. Go on, girls, get out there and get your clarity on!